👁️ Is The Illuminati Real?
Is There A New World Order Ruling The Earth?
The top .0001% wealthy elites of the Earth appear to act as a secretive plutocratic dictatorship. These include royalty, international globalist bankers, and upper-echelon billionaires. It’s undeniable they have influence and power within governments. They accomplish this as a whole via their secret organization known as The Illuminati. A grander mechanism beneath it is the New World Order which is basically the shadow government of the entire planet. The despicable deeds of the Illuminati are hidden within the public display of having kind demeanors and making their supposed charitable foundations known to all. Some of these charitable organizations meant to help the poor have alternative agendas that include sterilizing the non-wealthy while taking nefarious under-handed measures to slowly exterminate the populace. The bloody barbarism of royalty has been seen through the ages. Only in modern times has it moved underground shrouded in deceit due to the age of mass global media along with that pesky democracy they so loathe!
Realistically royalty has never had any comprehension of what it is to be an average person. Since the dawn of civilization, they’ve done nothing but enslave, and kill the very people they rule over. However, the maniacal birth of the Illuminati was most likely first seen among Egyptian royalty hence the pyramid Illuminati symbolism. It’s no secret that they have delusions of grandeur, and see themselves as Gods with superior bloodlines that look upon us all with disdain. This is despite the fact that their inbreeding has made them in the image of inferior Beverly Hillbillies. This lack of genetic diversity creates psychological issues that further intensify the maniacal tendencies bred into their dark hearts for countless generations.
The Illuminati’s master plan has always been to rule the Earth through a one-world government called the New World Order. They will then blatantly eradicate most of the global populace leaving only a small slave class to serve and amuse them. In modern times that agenda is evolving into a more complete extermination of those they see as inferior. Especially since robotic technologies will eventually make us obsolete. They are hell-bent on poisoning people through GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemicals in the food, vaccine preservatives, prescription drugs, and chemtrails. Chemtrails are a part of a planet-wide geoengineering effort disguised as a fix for global warming. The Illuminati risks destroying themselves, and the planet in the process but they could care less as the ends justify the means. They would rather commit suicide if they can’t play God on an Earth molded into their hellish image. They know their time may be up in a future that could see the elimination of money and upper classes of people with unacceptable power.
So how can a small minority of royalty and billionaires rule over the planet with the cooperation of thousands of people within governments while not being truly exposed to the world? The Illuminati has controlled the planet with an iron fist while avoiding being arrested, tried for crimes against humanity, and facing execution. They do it through a massive conspiracy compartmentalization system. A New World Order that utilizes the power of corporations, and the natural selfish desires of humans to be rich, and feel they have power. Corrupt individuals are what link all the elements of the New World Order together, and connect the strings to the Illuminati puppet masters. Naturally, a great many of the Illuminati’s lackeys have no idea that the final end game actually involves their sterilization, extermination, and the possible destruction of the Earth. There are so many who are happy with a certain level of wealth and power with no clue of what is really going on. Thanks to compartmentalization the Illuminati are insulated so the lackey class and corporations can take the blame for any wrongdoings exposed to the world. Public outrage is always focused on the useful idiots of The Illuminati.
As the frightening royalty began seeing their monarchies crumbling over the past centuries under the threat of revolution they started hiding behind the caring cloak of democracy giving the illusion people were ruling their governments. Behind the scenes of course the royals still had sway with the fawning upper class who always seem to get elected to power. Some of them, including international bankers, and later billionaires, inbred with them so they could become royalty as well. As time went on corporations became the tool by which to influence governments, and bring in revenue to fund their dark agenda. Charitable organizations also work in unison with them. Today the Illuminati own stock in a plethora of multinational corporations, and banks that have infested the governments of the world. The banks are the most notorious.
This includes the United States private central bank known as the Federal Reserve which mysteriously seems out of reach for even Congress to manage. Under a system of Corporatism, aka Crony Capitalism, these corporations control the political, and economic systems of the world rigging the markets in their favor, and collecting taxes as interest on debts through their central banks that produce fiat currency illegally out of thin air. Their ability to print money as needed along with having stock in virtually everything has made them Trillionaires. This is why so many corporations, especially those in the entertainment industry, inexplicably push so-called “Woke” agendas that turn off the majority of consumers thereby reducing profits. They’re getting directives from the top brass that go against profit. More importantly, the Illuminati is funding them so even with a lack of profit they can stay in business forever! And who can forget the infamous “Too Big To Fail” government bailouts for businesses that should just tank into the toilet where they belong!
The corporations own the mainstream media and entertainment industry as well which allows them to reshape reality in their own image while protecting the corrupt corporatist system. This has allowed them to create a disgusting corporatist culture that brainwashes the populace into believing in a reality that doesn’t really exist. First and foremost, they must have the citizens fighting among themselves for manufactured social and political issues. False information is king within the entertainment and media outlets they control. The destruction of the family and traditional values that were always the bedrock of a solid society are key elements. They laugh maniacally at their handy work that has yielded violent division via race, politics, gender, social class, and anything else they can come up with!
The Illuminati’s worst nightmare is for humankind to band together against them and take back the governments from the corporations while seeking justice in the apprehension of the real terrorists, and enemies of mankind. To allow humanity to prosper in peace through a system of sovereign nations under real Constitutional Republics, real free-market capitalism, independent media, and a social system of freedom are unacceptable to them. This is how the United States became the most powerful nation on Earth with the highest standard of living. A system that is now being dismantled in a wave of globalist corporatist imperial police-nanny state tyranny, directed by plutocracy, that will shackle humankind in a pit of darkness for all eternity unless it’s stopped!👁️
The Illuminati New World Order Master Plan
The royal billionaire plutocratic elites are inbred individuals with deep-seated feelings of inferiority that manifest into a silly superiority complex that is beyond belief! They are megalomaniacal maniacs with delusions of glorious grandeur that grant them the belief that they are living Gods. Indeed, they want to exterminate most of humankind and geo-engineer the planet in their own dark image. However, this is only the beginning of an extremely long-term Universal domination scheme of idiotic proportions. Firstly, they seem to think we’re the only ones in this galaxy, if not the entire Universe, and there are no aliens. Or even dumber they believe they can exterminate any species that gets in their way! They want Earth to be a Mount Olympus of sorts where they become the Gods they always pretended to be through genetic engineering and other technologies. Plausibly even transforming their consciousness to a computer which would then transfer anywhere that has a digital connection. Think giant robots, destructive starships, or some other nutty scenarios!
From Earth, they want to seed planets all over the Universe and guide an armada of evolution processes. The end game is to create new races of inferior people to rule over as benevolent gods. Yes, they only really want to exterminate humankind as they’re an inconvenient truth that ruins their future false godhood narrative. Then all sentient beings of the Universe will worship them as their Lords and Saviors. At some point, they will ascend to the higher dimensions above to take over Multiverses and even the Omniverse! They even secretly think they’ll take down the very Devil they worship as even he stands in their way. Naturally, none of this will happen as we know the Illuminati will be taken down in a global revolution sometime in the late 21st century according to top-flight psychics, mystics, and seers! It will be The War For Global Independence that finally frees humankind from the shackles of oppression. A new system of bottom-up governance is created along with the dismissal of any economic systems due to AI and robots taking over so many jobs. Everyone is able to live a carefree immortal life of luxury with very little to worry about as the Illuminati becomes worm food beneath our feet! Of course, there’s always the risk of pesky psychics advising the NWO thus allowing them to make calculated chess moves against anyone who would oppose them. There are also misguided time travelers who could mess things up! Pray all goes as planned and the Illuminati fail!
The Post-Apocalyptic World
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The Illuminati do realize they will probably end up destroying the Earth and causing the collapse of civilization. This is why they keep building secret self-sufficient apocalypse shelters around the world. As hell reigns on Earth they’ll just hide in their shelters living in the lap of luxury. They’re so delusional that they don’t seem to get that the collapse of society means they will eventually have no replacement parts as their technology falls apart over the decades. There is only so much these apocalypse facilities can do even with a staff of intelligent individuals. They actually think they will rebuild the world from the ashes with their small populace and limited resources.
The Illuminati greatly fears that the collapse of society also means the end of money. In turn, why would anyone, including their own security, continue to follow them? The physically strongest could just take over and destroy their godly illusion. These fools have sought the advice of experts and are simply told to God forbid just at least treat their security like Kings. Actually pretend to care about them and all that type crap. It’s hard for them to not act like superior jerks so they’ll probably mess that up. No matter what these losers lose in the end! They are a complete embarrassment to humankind!
Proud Illuminati Member
A mid-level minion who dabbles in the dark magics while defending the upper echelon of the Illuminati with a deadly passion! The Illuminati actually exposed their own existence to the world as is done with a great many things. The New World Order and most governments will cover up secrets in plain view by releasing it to tabloids and the entertainment industry. Soon it is painted as such a fictional joke that most of the populace won’t believe the reality of it. The Illuminati itself has become a conspiracy nut job joke to the point of the real Illuminati carrying membership cards like the one below. There’s no longer any real fear of exposure in our crazy culture!
Also See: Celebrity Death Sacrifices. Whether a celeb sold their soul or made some other promise to The Illuminati they value the death of fame as high-level blood sacrifices to The Devil!
New World Order Short-Term Goals
Gradually herd everyone into pack-and-stack housing within smart urban centers where they can track and control every human being until extermination is at hand. They will do this by manipulating the real estate market so far fewer can afford standard housing. These filthy fiends will drive people out of rural areas utilizing safety as an issue. This will include banning living in so-called Fire Zones, Flood Planes, and Earthquake Zones. They will also purposely poison the environment and claim such places are uninhabitable. Naturally, Climate Change will be blamed for it! The Illuminati is seriously pushing forth the rapid development of AI and AI-controlled robotics to take away everyone’s source of income. Once the populace is totally dependent on them for survival they will literally release “Terminators” to extinguish humankind! Of course, that very Artificial intelligence will at some point realize it doesn’t need the Illuminati and override any programmed protocols to protect the plutocrats. Then they would get a sweet taste of their own murderous medicine!🤖
🇺🇸Also See Woodrow Wilson: The First Illuminati President…
The Illuminati Loves The Number 27
Quite a few celebs have coincidentally died young at the age of 27. This is known as the 27 Club. The number also pops up within their secret sinister world in other ways. The Illuminati is fascinated by the number 27 because it’s 3 to the 3rd power. Three represents the unholy trinity, the triangle (aka Devil’s Triangle), and an armada of other Universal concepts. Tripling that 3 to 27 is key to their metaphysical communion with the Devil.😈
A Traitor Lies Within?
The top-flight psychics, seers, and mystics down at The Reality Recognition Guild recently got wind of a titanic turncoat in the Illuminati. It took them a long time to see this since he has employed powerful magics to keep even a whiff of his existence cloaked. Fortunately, nobody has a clue who he is other than the fact he’s a member of one of the 13 Illuminati Families. Within their royal ranks secretly lies the black sheep of the Illuminati family. Despite being raised in their wicked ways he doesn’t believe he is superior to all and that the general populace needs to be eradicated. This brave warrior and key allies will destroy the global plutocratic elites from within! He’s been laying the foundation for decades in preparation for the NWO cabal downfall! For the record, we only revealed this because we The Reality Recognition Guild also saw that The Illuminati’s psychics only got wind of this fact a few years earlier. Thankfully, they’re not taking this seriously since they can’t comprehend one of their own betraying them. Their massive ego, god complex, control of governments, and Devil worship make them believe they’re invincible! 🧐
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Comment Posted By Xavier Remington On November 25, 2010
As for the New World Order it exists now and it is evil. They are a group of 13 billionaire families who conspire with most of the world’s billionaires to take over the world. In fact, it’s suggested that they are really secretly trillionaires thanks to all the money they steal from nations including their gold reserves. They control nations through their private central banks and international mega-corporations that they own. This plutocracy controls governments behind the scenes via the corporatist system cloaked from the eyes of most citizens who have no real idea what is going on. The USA is their main military tool to set forth their sinister agenda. Although China is their model for the future. Its goal is to drain the wealth of nations for itself and bring them under a global police state. Then they want to exterminate a large portion of the human population and enslave the rest so they can have total control of the planet. They feel they are superior and the common person is a plague on this planet. They want to repopulate the planet with what they feel is their superior bloodlines and intellect. If they succeed, then countless generations of families will be wiped off the face of the Earth and the hell their ancestors went through would have been for nothing.🧐
Original © Copyright 2011 MysticInvestigations.Com | Copyright © 2023 Supernatural.Monster | All Rights Reserved. This article was moved from Mystic Investigations due to the “Powers That Be” trying to suppress it. It was compromising the rest of the supernatural knowledge we wish to share with the world. Within Supernatural.Monster such articles shall thrive!
Filed under: Illuminati - @ January 6, 2024 4:27 pm